Publicly Traded Stock
Your gift of publicly traded stock can help you and KSPS PBS yield high returns for education, the arts and culture in our community.
Your gift of stock can also provide attractive tax savings. The first being that you can claim an immediate tax deduction. If the stock is worth more now than what you paid for it more than a year ago, you will be able to claim the full benefit of the stock's current fair market value. You can also avoid capital gains tax when you donate as opposed to selling this appreciated stock.
You may find that these tax savings can help you make a larger gift than you originally thought possible. Giving stock can help you and KSPS PBS convert your stock market gains into real community change.
Learning and Planning Resources:
Or for personal support, contact:
Jade Porter
Please consult with your professional advisor on the full impact of your charitable giving on you financial and/or legal circumstances.